Initial Consultation:

John was referred to me by his personal trainer, John shared his history of failed attempts at getting fit and expressed his frustration with his lack of progress and desire to lose weight. I used a technique to establish a rapport with John and understand his goals, motivations, and any limiting beliefs that might be holding him back.

Techniques Used:


Brain Gym –

I used Brain Gym to help create rapport by mirroring Johns's movements during the session, while also helping him set a specific goal


Focus Awareness Technique –

I relaxed John down and focused his mind


The Power of Suggestion -

I used the power of suggestion to help John imagine himself reaching his fitness goals. This technique is used to create a positive mental image of the desired outcome, which in turn helps to build confidence and belief in one's abilities.


The power of suggestion is where the phrase "I put a spell on you" comes from. The word "spell" actually comes from the Old English word "spellian," which means to talk or speak


This highlights the fact that words are incredibly powerful and can have a significant impact on our thoughts, feelings, and actions


Just as a magician can use spells to influence their audience, sports performers and athletes can use the power of suggestion to enhance their performance. By choosing their words carefully and using positive language, they can create a mindset that empowers them to achieve their goals and perform at their best


“Words and magic were in the beginning one and the same thing, and even today words retain much of their magical power.”

― Sigmund Freud, Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis


Changing Behavioral Patterns & Habits To Aid Weight Loss

Through the utilization of straightforward pattern interrupts, we can effectively adjust our reactions before they advance beyond the limbic region of our brain. This intervention serves to thwart the development of automatic responses, such as in this case turning to food in response to stress.

Furthermore, our exploration extended to internal representations, which are the mental images formed in this case of certain foods within your mind's eye. These representations possess the capacity to sway our emotions significantly. Mastering the art of modifying these mental images can become a potent instrument for boosting emotional well-being and reshaping our emotional responses to specific foods.


Goal Setting -

I worked with John to set fitness goals that aligned with his overall vision for his health and well-being. We also discussed the steps he would need to take to achieve those goals and identified any potential obstacles or challenges that might arise.

I taught John The Art of Dual Training: Embracing the Journey and the Destination.

The key to dual training is finding joy in both the journey and the destination. By fostering self-awareness, focusing on the present moment, and the positives of effort, thereby harnessing the reward power of dopamine, your clients will not only achieve their goals but also experience a rewarding and fulfilling training process. The end goal becomes a cherished postcard from an incredible experience.


Metaphors For Confidence And Motivation -

Metaphors are powerful indirect suggestions because they engage the listener's imagination and tap into their subconscious mind, making them more receptive to new ideas or perspective


Triggers -

I created an anchor by asking John to remember a time when he felt particularly motivated and confident. I asked him to visualize that moment and associate those positive feelings with a physical gesture (e.g., making a fist). I then used this Trigger to help him access those positive feelings whenever he needed them.


Reframing -

I helped John reframe his limiting beliefs about exercise and fitness. For example, he believed that he didn't have enough time to work out regularly. I helped him see that even small changes to his daily routine could have a big impact on his fitness level.


Future Pacing -

I asked John to visualize himself in the future, after achieving his fitness goals. I helped him create a vivid image of what his life would look like and how he would feel. I then used this image to motivate him to take action toward his goals.


The Power of Emotional Agility -

How to Shift Your State at Will - To help John build confidence and motivation, I incorporated the "fake it until you make it" approach, namely power posing. Power posing has been found to have measurable effects on hormones and stress levels. Recent research shows that both men and women can increase testosterone by 20% and decrease cortisol by 22% through this technique. Additionally, I trained his mind to focus on positive experiences and emotions, which helped him to stay motivated and confident in all areas of her life.



Over the course of 12 weeks, John followed the training program diligently and made significant progress toward his fitness goals. He lost 10 pounds of body fat, gained 5 pounds of muscle, and improved his cardiovascular fitness. He also reported feeling more energized, confident, and motivated. By using NLP techniques, I was able to help John overcome his limiting beliefs and create a positive mindset towards fitness, while his personal trainer provided him with the tools and guidance he needed to achieve his physical goals. Together, we were able to help John achieve lasting change and make fitness a part of his lifestyle.