Initial Consultation:

During our initial consultation, I asked Michael about his experiences on the shooting range and his thoughts and feelings during a shooting session. He expressed his frustration with his form and his inability to hit the targets as he used to. We also talked about his shooting routine, equipment, and any injuries or health issues that might be affecting his game

Techniques Used:

Focus Awareness Technique -

I used a Focus Awareness Technique to help Michael relax and focus his mind, which enabled him to better focus on his targets and the steps required to hit them accurately


Timelining -

During the session, we conducted a timelining exercise to determine when Michael's shooting form declined. We discovered that he had been experiencing personal stress which was affecting his concentration and focus during shooting.


The Power of Suggestion -

I used the power of suggestion to help Michael imagine himself as a successful shooter. This technique is used to create a positive mental image of the desired outcome, which in turn helps to build confidence and belief in one's abilities.

The power of suggestion is where the phrase "I put a spell on you" comes from. The word "spell" actually comes from the Old English word "spellian," which means to talk or speak


This highlights the fact that words are incredibly powerful and can have a significant impact on our thoughts, feelings, and actions


Just as a magician can use spells to influence their audience, sports performers and athletes can use the power of suggestion to enhance their performance. By choosing their words carefully and using positive language, they can create a mindset that empowers them to achieve their goals and perform at their best

“Words and magic were in the beginning one and the same thing, and even today words retain much of their magical power.”

― Sigmund Freud, Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis


Visualization -

I used visualization to help Michael create a clear and vivid mental picture of his desired shooting performance (future pacing). I suggested that he visualizes himself hitting all the targets with ease and confidence. This technique is used to create a positive mental image of the desired outcome, which in turn helps to build confidence and belief in one's abilities.


Reframing –

I helped him reframe his beliefs by reminding him of his past successes and encouraging him to focus on the things he could control, such as his attitude and effort.


EFT Tapping -

I used EFT tapping to help Michael calm his nerves and reduce his anxiety levels. We worked on specific triggers that were causing him to feel nervous and stressed during shooting sessions, and we used tapping to release those negative emotions and create a more positive and relaxed state of mind.


Goal Setting -

I helped Michael set specific, achievable goals for his performance on the shooting range. We focused on short-term and long-term goals, as well as the steps he needed to take to achieve them.


Triggers -

I created a trigger by asking Michael to remember a time when he hit a particularly challenging target accurately. I asked him to visualize that moment and associate those positive feelings with a physical gesture (e.g., touching his thumb to his index finger). I then used this anchor to help him access those positive feelings whenever he needed them.


The Metaphor of a Butterfly -

I used the metaphor of a butterfly to help Michael visualize the process of regaining his form. We talked about how a butterfly goes through different stages before it can spread its wings and fly, and we applied this metaphor to Michael’s shooting journey. This helped him understand that his current struggles were just a temporary phase, and that with time and practice, she would be able to fly again.


Focus of Attention -

I suggested that Michael imagine himself in a tunnel before starting his matches to help him avoid distractions and stay focused on his performance. This technique is used to create a visual and mental block from any external stimuli that could impact his game.


The Metaphor of William Tell -

I used the metaphor of William Tell, a legendary archer known for his accuracy and focus, to inspire Michael to improve his shooting skills. This metaphor encouraged John to visualize his shots hitting the target accurately and consistently.


The Power of Emotional Agility -

How to Shift Your State at Will - To help Michael build confidence and motivation, I incorporated the "fake it until you make it" approach, namely power posing. Power posing has been found to have measurable effects on hormones and stress levels. Recent research shows that both men and women can increase testosterone by 20% and decrease cortisol by 22% through this technique. Additionally, I trained his mind to focus on positive experiences and emotions, which helped him to stay motivated and confident in all areas of her life.




Over the course of our sessions, Michael made significant progress in his mental game and his performance on the shooting range. He reported feeling more focused and confident during shooting sessions and was able to maintain his concentration even when he was under pressure. His shooting coach also noticed an improvement in his accuracy and consistency and attributed it to the mental training he had received.

Using these techniques, I helped Michael reframe negative beliefs, set achievable goals, and anchor positive emotions, allowing him to overcome his mental blocks and regain his confidence in the shooting range.


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