Reframing is a mental skill that can be useful for sports performers. It involves changing one's perspective or interpretation of a situation to create a more positive or productive mindset. Reframing can help athletes to overcome challenges, manage stress, and stay motivated.

Here are some examples of how reframing can be used in sports performance:

  1. Seeing failure as an opportunity for growth: Instead of viewing a loss or a mistake as a setback, reframing involves seeing it as a chance to learn and improve. For example, a tennis player who loses a match might reframe the experience as an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and work on their weaknesses in practice.
  2. Emphasizing the process instead of the outcome: Rather than focusing solely on winning or losing, reframing can involve placing more emphasis on the effort and progress made during a competition or training session. For example, a runner might reframe their disappointment at not achieving a personal best time as a celebration of the fact that they pushed themselves to their limits and made progress in their training.
  3. Reframing negative self-talk: Negative self-talk can be a major obstacle to sports performance. Reframing involves recognizing and challenging negative thoughts and replacing them with more positive, empowering messages. For example, a golfer who misses a shot might reframe their self-talk from "I'm such a bad player" to "I made a mistake on that shot, but I can recover and play better on the next one."

Overall, reframing can be a powerful tool for sports performers to develop a more positive and productive mindset. By changing the way they think about and interpret situations, athletes can improve their performance, manage stress, and stay motivated.