The process of setting and achieving goals is crucial for sports performers and athletes

Effective goals must meet several criteria, including being meaningful, realistic, measurable, having a time limit, and being able to be visualized and felt. It is also essential to establish "stage" goals along the way to achieving the end goal. By breaking down the main objective into smaller, achievable steps, progress becomes more manageable and less overwhelming. Offering rewards at each stage can also boost motivation and provide a sense of accomplishment.


To maintain motivation, clients should visualize themselves achieving their goals in detail, including the associated emotions

Additionally, it is important to establish a "do today" component, an actionable step that clients can take immediately to move towards their goals and maintain a sense of control.

Remember-To be effective goals must be –




Have a time limit

Be able to be visualised

Be able to be “felt”


Writing Your Goals Down Increases Success


A study by the Dominican University of California divided participants into five groups. A summary is available on the way back machine, a website that shows previous website pages, a link below

  • The first group had to think about their goals, and rate them according to various factors but not write them down. This group achieved a 43% overall success rate or progressed at least part of the way to attaining their goals.
  • The second group did the same, but this group wrote their goals down.
  • The third group did the same as the second but also wrote their action commitments down.
  • The fourth group did all of that and also shared their action commitments with a friend.
  • The final group did everything the others did but also sent their friends updates. This group had the highest success rate, at 76%.

What we learn from this study is that writing down your goals, and what actions you take to achieve them, and then sharing these and your progress with a friend gives you the best chance of success. No doubt that this is where "I put a spell on you" comes from

The link is below

A screenshot of the link is below


The Art of Dual Training: Embracing the Journey and the Destination


As a personal trainer or sports coach, your role extends beyond just instructing clients on achieving their end goals. It's essential to help them find joy in the process and live in the present moment. Here's a guide to cultivating this mindset and tapping into the power of awareness and dopamine for a fulfilling training experience:


Step 1: Cultivating Self-Awareness

Encourage your clients to embark on a journey of self-inquiry. Guide them to ask themselves, "Am I aware?" and to become conscious of their awareness. The foundation of our thoughts lies within our awareness—our essential essence, the "I" that remains constant throughout our lives. Thoughts, feelings, and sensations come and go, but this sense of "I" represents our true being and happiness.


Step 2: Heart-Centered Breathing

Guide your clients to physically touch their heart or visualize it while focusing on their breath. Instruct them to breathe into their heart, imagining a heart symbol, and contemplating someone special in their life. Then, ask them to think about three things they are proud of, which will help shift their mindset positively.


Step 3: Observing Thoughts and Feelings, the growth mindset approach

Teach your clients to become aware of the physical sensations and the stories they tell themselves alongside those sensations. Instead of pushing thoughts away, encourage them to acknowledge and accept them. To change the narrative, prompt them to say positive affirmations like, "I am proud that I am growing more muscle" or "I am proud of the effort I am making." or “I am proud that I am improving my technique” or “I am proud that I rise to this challenge” or “I am proud of the choice I am making" "The positive effort I make today and strain I feel is a step towards my goal' or something similar. That over time will become a rewarding statement

Emphasize the importance of living in the moment and creating something positive that reflects their effort during their training.


Step 4: The Dopamine Connection

Explain the link between dopamine and motivation. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. When someone engages in a rewarding behavior, dopamine is released, creating a sense of euphoria. This reward system drives motivation and happiness, making individuals pursue their goals and continue engaging in rewarding activities.


Step 5: Harnessing Dopamine through Training

Highlight the role of regular exercise in boosting dopamine production. Physical activity, like training and competing, releases endorphins and stimulates dopamine release. This leads to an improved mood, increased energy, and an overall sense of accomplishment.



The key to dual training is finding joy in both the journey and the destination. By fostering self-awareness, focusing on the present moment, and the positives of effort, thereby harnessing the reward power of dopamine, your clients will not only achieve their goals but also experience a rewarding and fulfilling training process. The end goal becomes a cherished postcard from an incredible experience.

Case Study

Case Study: Jane, a High Jumper


Jane was a 21-year-old high jumper who was struggling with her performance lately. She felt that she was not achieving her full potential and was losing confidence in her abilities. She came to see me to help her set meaningful and achievable goals.


I started start by discussing her current performance and what she would like to achieve. She told me that she would like to be able to jump 1.5 meters (If I remember correctly) within the next six months. We both agreed that this was a challenging but realistic goal, and I then proceeded to help her break it down into smaller, more manageable steps.

I  then taught Jane The Art of Dual Training: Embracing the Journey and the Destination

Together, we used the following framework to set Jane's goals and got her to write them down and share them with a friend, giving weekly updates:


Meaningful: I asked Jane why jumping 1.5 meters was important to her. She told me that it would allow her to compete at a higher level. You both agree that this was a meaningful goal for her and aligns with her values and aspirations.


Measurable: I helped Jane identify key performance indicators that she can use to measure her progress towards her goal, such as the height she can currently jump and the number of training sessions she completes each week.


Realistic: Jane and I discussed the feasibility of her goal and whether it was realistic given her current abilities, training regimen, and resources. We both agreed that it is a challenging but achievable goal with the right focus and effort.


Time Limit: I helped Jane set a timeline for achieving her goal, breaking it down into smaller milestones that she can work towards.


Visualised and Felt: I helped Jane visualise herself successfully jumping 1.5 meters and guided her through a sensory-based visualization exercise to help her experience the feeling of success.


Over the next few months, Jane worked hard to achieve her goals, tracking her progress and making adjustments as needed. With the help of my NLP coaching, she was able to stay focused, motivated, and confident throughout the process, ultimately achieving her goal of jumping 1.5 meters within the six-month timeframe. She was thrilled with her progress and felt more empowered and capable than ever before.