To effectively visualize, one must consider several important factors. These include setting the scene, having realistic expectations, engaging all the senses, maintaining good posture, displaying appropriate facial expressions, and associating positive outcomes and feelings with success. Visualizing is also an excellent way to prepare oneself by eliminating doubts, negative thoughts, or flashbacks.


However, sports visualization is not as simple as it may seem. It is essential to guide clients through several stages to perfect their particular sequence of visualization.


The Technique

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Approach

  1. Initial Discussion: The client engages in a detailed conversation regarding the specific activity they wish to enhance, pinpointing areas that necessitate change.
  2. Utilize Focused Awareness Technique: Employ the powerful Focused Awareness Technique as a tool for transformation. This tool should be used and taught before all visualization techniques (where appropriate)
  3. Visualization and Modeling: Encourage the client to engage in visualization exercises by imagining themselves undertaking the desired sequence of actions. They can either envision their own performance through the aid of a video or visualize their role model executing the sequence flawlessly, as if observing a captivating film. The client should immerse themselves fully in the scenario, perceiving every sensory detail relevant to the surroundings: temperature, lighting, colors, shapes, textures, sounds, and smells.

Gradually, transition from observing the role model to picturing themselves in the same situation, mirroring the exact actions and behaviors. Instruct them to replace the role model's features with their own, allowing them to become fully absorbed in the experience, akin to watching a film of themselves flawlessly performing the desired actions. They should pay attention to each sensory detail related to the environment, just as before.

  1. Association: Climbing Onboard: Now, it is essential for the client to metaphorically "climb onboard" and enter into the perspective of the person they observed in the video or visualization. They must become that person, perceiving the world through their eyes, feeling through their senses, and being aware of their emotions. This stage necessitates a shift in the client's viewpoint, enabling them to work through the sequence at the same level of proficiency, but from within. It is crucial to approach this stage with care to ensure the possibility of achieving the desired level of performance.
  2. Continued Practice and Inner Awareness: The visualization exercise in Stage 4 should be practiced regularly with utmost concentration and inner awareness. The client should pay close attention to the sensations, thoughts, and emotions evoked during the process.

By following these steps and engaging in diligent practice, individuals can harness the power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to enhance their performance in the desired activity.

Increase Strength Using The Power Of Visualization

A study conducted by researchers at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio, in 2004 revealed the power of visualization in improving strength. The study split 30 people into three groups, with two groups visualizing exercises and one group actually training. The results showed that the two groups who visualized exercises increased their strength by 35 percent

The large increase in strength was not due to the muscles growing but due to improvements in the brain's communication ability to the muscles


Future Pacing - Endpoint Visualization 

A Timeline Approach:

To facilitate the realization of the goal, we will adopt a powerful technique called Endpoint Visualization, utilizing a timeline concept. Let's embark on this transformative journey together by following these steps:

  1. Establishing the Goal and Motivating Goal Setting: Firstly, we will define the steps required to achieve the desired outcome. By clearly outlining the path to success, we set the foundation for effective goal-setting and motivation.
  2. Utilizing The Focused Awareness Technique, Dissociation, and Climbing Onboard: Once the goal is established, we will engage in the same Technique used earlier, namely The Focused Awareness Technique, alongside the processes of dissociation and climbing onboard.
  3. Imagining the Moment of Achievement: Get your client to Imagine already having accomplished the goal. Get them to visualize the moment of achievement vividly, embracing the exhilaration and satisfaction that come with it. This visualization exercise helps to solidify their belief in their ability to reach the endpoint.
  4. Looking Back Along the Pathway of Time: Now, from this point of achievement, get your client to cast their gaze back along the timeline to where they stand today. Get them to observe the different stages of change they have undergone and the progress they have made towards attaining the goal. Ask your client to take note of the actions they have taken, the connections they have forged, and the individuals who have been part of their journey. Get them to pay close attention to even the smallest moments of transformation that have occurred along the way, from the inception of their journey to its eventual culmination.
  5. Embracing Determination and Taking One Step at a Time: As they return to the present moment, ask them to hold onto the powerful emotions associated with the accomplishment of their goal. Let these feelings fuel their determination and commitment to take one step at a time, making incremental changes along the path that leads to successful goal achievement.
  6. Suggest to them they are now more prepared than ever to take that crucial first step today, propelling them toward the realization of their goal.

By following this endpoint visualization approach, your client will harness the power of visualization, inner motivation, and incremental progress to bring their desired outcome within reach.

The importance of the environment

According to research, the success of visualization is increased when it is carried out in the environment of the event. To illustrate this, an experiment was conducted with individuals about to sit an exam in a sports hall. All participants were trained in visualization and then divided into three groups:


Group 1 visualized while at home.

Group 2 visualized while in the classroom.

Group 3 visualized in the sports hall.

Group 3 performed much better in the exam. However, it may be inconvenient or impossible to physically be in the environment of the event. In such cases, hypnotic techniques can be used either on tape or through self-hypnosis to create a similar experience for the individual.


Additionally, research has shown that visualization is even more effective when combined with movement. Therefore, it is recommended to first practice visualization with a tape at home, and then move onto practicing it on the field, track, or in the sports hall, immediately before the actual event. This way, the individual is mentally and physically rehearsing in the correct environment, prior to the real action.

Observing professionals play golf or snooker, one can witness a key aspect of their technique - the use of visualization. Golfers, for example, meticulously practice their swing and ball address without even touching the ball. However, they not only visualize the swing itself, but also the trajectory of the ball's flight, including its landing and rolling. This mental exercise is critical to their success, as it allows them to prepare for the shot long before actually hitting the ball.


Similarly, snooker players employ visualization in their game, often seen moving their cue back and forth multiple times before striking the ball. As they do this, their eyes follow the intended path of the ball with precision. One technique I have used is to get the player to visualize imaginary grooves in the table for the ball to travel along, factoring in power and timing to ensure it reaches its intended destination.


As with any such technique, feedback from the athlete is crucial to ensure that the visualization exercise is effective. A Rapid Results Trainer may need to make adjustments if they discover the athlete is focusing on the wrong aspects of the procedure or employing incorrect emotions. This underscores the individuality of this type of approach and the importance of communication, cooperation, and trust between the Rapid Results Trainer, the athlete, and the coach.



The Swish Technique (See technique here) is a highly effective form of visualization that can be utilized with sports performers to access the right attitudes and emotions necessary for optimal performance. I have found great success with this technique, and have included the script I use in the Resource section for easy reference.


To ensure that clients are comfortable with the SWISH technique, I provide training  with The Focus Awareness Technique and a copy of the script. This helps them to remember the steps of the exercise and provides reassurance if they have any questions or concerns.


While some clients may initially claim they cannot visualize, the techniques outlined above are designed to overcome any fears or objections. I always say imagine you are imagining it. Also see my resource on eye movement to see if they are looking in right place to visualize


Overall, the SWISH technique can be a powerful tool for athletes looking to achieve peak performance. With proper training and support, clients can learn to access the right mindset and emotions to excel in their chosen sport.


Timeline Regression: Addressing the Root Cause of Problems

Tutorial: Timeline Regression for Client Sessions,

Note NLP, Coaching  EFT Tapping/Educational Kinesiology differ from therapy because they start with a belief the client is OK, well, and whole, and simply want some help moving from where they are now to where they would like to be.

If  you are ever unsure refer the client to a therapist

In this tutorial, we will explore the effective technique of timeline regression to assist your clients in addressing and resolving their problems,. Follow these step-by-step instructions to guide your clients through the process:

Step 1: Establishing the Problem Begin by engaging in a thorough discussion with your client to clearly understand the problem they are facing. Ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the issue before proceeding.

Step 2: Introduce the Timeline Regression Concept Explain to your client the concept of timeline regression, where they will mentally travel back along their personal timeline to identify the root cause of the problem.

Step 3: Visualize the Timeline. Guide your client to close their eyes and imagine a timeline extending from their present moment into the past. Encourage them to visualize this timeline as a representation of their life, with significant events and moments marked along its length.

Step 4: Moving Back along the Timeline Instruct your client to start moving backward, step by step, along the timeline of their life. Encourage them to trust their intuition and subconscious mind to guide them to the specific moment or event when the problem initially arose.

Step 5: Identifying the Root Cause Once your client has reached the point in time when the problem first occurred, instruct them to focus their attention on that particular moment. Encourage them to explore the surrounding circumstances, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs associated with that event.

Step 6: Resolving and Releasing Guide your client through techniques such as reframing to address the root cause. Instruct them to reframe the meaning of the event, release any negative emotions or limiting beliefs, and cultivate a new empowering perspective.

Step 7: Integrating the Healing Direct your client's awareness back to the present moment and guide them to integrate the healing and transformation they have undergone. Encourage them to embrace the positive changes and newfound perspectives, knowing that they have effectively addressed the problem at its core.

Step 8: Follow-Up and Support Provide ongoing support to your client as they process the insights and changes resulting from the timeline regression. Follow up with additional sessions or resources as needed to ensure their continued progress and growth.

By following this tutorial and guiding your clients through the timeline regression process, you will empower them to uncover the root cause of their problems and facilitate lasting transformation. Remember to adapt and personalize the instructions based on each client's unique needs and circumstances.


Case Study: Resolving Fitness Challenges through Timeline Regression

Client Information:

  • Name: Jean
  • Age: 42
  • Occupation: Marketing Executive
  • Goal: To achieve and maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle after previous unsuccessful attempts with a personal trainer.

Session Overview: Session 1 - Establishing the Problem and Introducing Timeline Regression Jean, a marketing executive in her early 40s, sought guidance to overcome her struggles with maintaining a fit lifestyle. She had previously engaged a personal trainer but found it challenging to sustain her fitness routine. During the initial session, we explored her goals and experiences, identifying her specific problem as "inability to maintain a consistent fitness routine despite attempting to work with a personal trainer."

Session 2 - Applying Timeline Regression for Root Cause Identification Step 1: Establishing the Problem We revisited Jean's experiences with personal training and her fitness journey, ensuring a clear understanding of her challenges.

Step 2: Introduce the Timeline Regression Concept I explained to Jean the concept of timeline regression, where we would explore her past experiences to uncover any underlying factors contributing to her fitness struggles.

Step 3: Visualize the Timeline With her eyes closed, I guided Jean to visualize a timeline extending from her present moment into the past. I asked her to imagine significant events related to her fitness journey marked along the timeline.

Step 4: Moving Back along the Timeline Encouraging Jean to trust her intuition, I instructed her to move backward along the timeline, step by step, allowing her subconscious mind to guide her to the root cause of her fitness challenges.

Step 5: Identifying the Root Cause Jean reached a moment in her timeline where she recalled a childhood incident. She vividly remembered an instance where she was teased by classmates during a school sports event, which left her feeling embarrassed and self-conscious about her physical abilities.

Step 6: Resolving and Releasing I guided Jean through reframing the meaning of that childhood event. We discussed the lessons she learned from it and how it contributed to her determination to improve her fitness. We worked on releasing the negative emotions tied to the incident and replaced them with self-compassion and empowerment.

Step 7: Integrating the Healing Bringing Jean's awareness back to the present, I guided her to integrate the insights and healing she experienced during the session. We discussed how reframing her past allowed her to let go of old limitations and approach her fitness journey with renewed motivation.

Step 8: Follow-Up and Support We scheduled follow-up sessions to support Jean as she integrated her newfound perspective into her fitness routine. Additionally, I provided resources like self-compassion exercises and goal-setting techniques to help her maintain her progress.

Conclusion: Through the application of timeline regression, Jean was able to identify a childhood incident that had unconsciously influenced her attitude toward fitness. By reframing the event and addressing the emotions tied to it, she experienced a shift in her perspective and self-belief. Subsequently, Jean was able to approach her fitness routine with a more empowered mindset, leading to a consistent and successful fitness journey. The personalized approach of timeline regression helped Jean address the root cause of her challenges and pave the way for lasting transformation.