Exercise: Enhancing Internal Representations for Emotional Well-being

Introduction: In this exercise, we will explore how internal representations, the mental images created in your mind's eye, can influence emotions. Understanding and modifying these representations can be a powerful tool for enhancing emotional well-being.


Step 1: The Focus Awareness Technique: Use this to focus and relax your client's mind


Step 2: Positive Visualization


Instruct your client to bring to mind someone they genuinely like or admire. This person could be a friend, family member, or mentor. Encourage them to notice how this thought brings up a mental picture.


Observe the Details: Guide your client to pay attention to the details of this mental image. They should notice its size, location (behind, in front, left, or right), and whether it appears in color or black and white. Ask if it has a frame or if it's frameless. Is it a moving picture or a still image? Allow them time to thoroughly analyze the picture, and then instruct them to clear their mind of this image.


Step 3: Contrasting Visualization


Now, ask your client to shift their focus to someone they like less or even dislike. As they do this, they should notice the mental image that comes to mind.


Observe the Differences: Direct your client to pay attention to the differences between this new mental image and the previous one. They should note the image's location, size, color (if any), framing (if any), and whether it's a still or moving picture. Also, have them reflect on how it feels emotionally and spatially compared to the previous image.


Step 4: Awareness and Reflection


Notice Your Feelings: Have your client take a moment to become aware of their emotional response during both visualizations. Encourage them to reflect on how they feel when thinking about the person they like versus the person they like less or dislike.


Reflect on Control: Guide your client to reflect on the fact that they have control over what they choose to focus on in their mind's eye. Help them recognize how their focus can influence their emotional state.


Step 5: Returning to the Present


Come Back to the Room: Slowly bring your client's awareness back to the present moment. Instruct them to open their eyes when they're ready.

Conclusion: This exercise demonstrates how internal representations can impact emotions


Shifting Associations

Example Student Instruction: Shifting Associations for Weight Control

Introduction: In this exercise, we explore how you can use NLP techniques to shift your client's emotional associations with food, especially in cases where certain foods contribute to weight control challenges. By altering your client's mental representations of these foods, you can help change their desires and behaviors.

Step 1: Preparation

Step 1: The Focus Awareness Technique: Use this to focus and relax your client's mind

Step 2: Shifting Associations

Think of a Problematic Food: Have your client consider a food that has caused challenges for them in maintaining a healthy weight. As they think about this food, instruct them to notice the details: its shape, its location in their mental space (near or far), and whether they perceive it in black and white or color.

Check Their Emotions: Encourage your client to pay attention to the emotions or desires that arise as they visualize this food. It's likely that they had a certain feeling associated with it, and they might even have felt a strong desire to eat it.

Distance the Food: Instruct your client to mentally zoom out the picture of this food until it becomes tiny, like a postage stamp placed in the corner of a room. Now, ask them, "Did you feel like eating it more or less when it was at a distance?" Most likely, they felt less inclined to eat it.

Return to Original Image: Have your client bring the mental picture of the food back to where it was before, just as a point of reference.

Step 3: Shifting Preferences

Think of a Disliked Food: Now, with their eyes still closed, ask your client to think of a food that they strongly dislike. It could be any food that they would never consider eating. Instruct them to visualize this food and notice its characteristics, such as its location in their mental space, its size, shape, and color.

Observe the Differences: Direct your client to pay attention to what's different about this mental image compared to the liked food. They should note the image's location, size, color (if any), framing (if any), and whether it's a still or moving picture. Also, have them reflect on how it feels emotionally and spatially compared to the previous image.

Step 4: Shifting Associations

  1. Combine Liked and Disliked Characteristics: Now, instruct your client to, in their mind's eye, take the mental picture of the food they like and begin to morph it into the characteristics of the food they dislike. Have them move it to the same location, make it the same size, and give it the same unappealing features.

Notice the Change: As they complete this transformation, have them observe how they feel about this once-liked food. They should find it unappetizing or even repulsive.

Lock It In: Instruct your client to mentally lock this new association in place, just like closing a Tupperware container. Have them pay attention to how their feelings about this food have changed.

Conclusion: This NLP technique, known as sub-modality shifting, can help your clients change their emotional associations with problematic foods, making them less appealing and supporting their weight control efforts. Regularly practicing this exercise can be a valuable tool for modifying your client's relationship with food.

Case Study: Mary's Journey to Weight Control and Emotional Well-being

Introduction: In this case study, we will explore how I worked with my client, Mary, who sought assistance to overcome her habit of excessive chocolate consumption with the aim of achieving weight control. Through a combination of NLP techniques, including "Enhancing Internal Representations for Emotional Well-being" and "Shifting Associations for Weight Control," Mary experienced transformative changes in her relationship with food and emotions.

Background: Mary, a 42-year-old professional, had been struggling with her weight for several years. She often turned to chocolate as a source of comfort during stressful times, which contributed to her weight gain. Mary's goal was to find healthier ways to manage her emotions and reduce her chocolate intake to achieve weight control. We began working together to address these challenges.

The Journey:

Step 1: Introduction to NLP Techniques

We started our journey by introducing Mary to NLP techniques designed to enhance her emotional well-being. The first exercise we explored was "Enhancing Internal Representations for Emotional Well-being." Mary learned how her internal representations, the mental images she created in her mind's eye, influenced her emotions.

Step 2: Positive Visualization

In this initial phase, Mary was instructed to think of someone she genuinely liked and admired. She chose her childhood friend, Sarah, whose image brought up warm and positive feelings. Mary observed the vivid details of this mental image, such as its vibrant colors and the sense of closeness she felt with Sarah.

Step 3: Contrasting Visualization

To deepen Mary's understanding of her emotional responses, we introduced the concept of contrasting visualization. She was asked to shift her focus to someone she liked less or even disliked—a colleague with whom she had occasional conflicts. Again I asked her to observe the details of this mental image and how it differed from the previous image This exercise helped Mary recognize the impact of her internal representations on her emotional state.

Step 4: Awareness and Reflection

Mary developed a heightened awareness of her emotional responses. She learned to reflect on how her thoughts and mental images influenced her feelings and behaviors. This newfound awareness empowered Mary to make conscious choices regarding her focus and emotional well-being.

Step 5: Shifting Associations for Weight Control

With Mary's enhanced awareness and emotional management skills, we progressed to the "Shifting Associations for Weight Control" exercise. She identified chocolate as a problematic food that had contributed to her weight issues. Mary visualized chocolate, noting its shape, location in her mental space, and the strong desire it typically triggered. She then sent it off in the distance making it small like a postage stamp and Mary  noticed the attraction had lessened

Step 6: Combining Liked and Disliked Characteristics

In this critical step, Mary brought her newfound skills to bear. She mentally transformed the once-liked image of chocolate into the characteristics of a food she strongly disliked—an unappealing and repulsive mental image. She moved it to the same location, adjusted its size, and added the same unappealing features. This exercise allowed Mary to change her emotional associations with chocolate dramatically.


Mary's journey to weight control and emotional well-being exemplifies the transformative power of NLP techniques. Through the strategic combination of "Enhancing Internal Representations for Emotional Well-being" and "Shifting Associations for Weight Control," Mary gained control over her emotional responses, eliminated her chocolate consumption, and took significant steps toward her weight management goals.

This case study underscores the potential for individuals like Mary to achieve positive and lasting changes in their relationship with food and emotions through the application of NLP techniques. Mary's success serves as an inspiring example of personal growth and empowerment in the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle.