The Swish method is a powerful NLP technique that can be used to help sports performers overcome negative thoughts and emotions that can interfere with their performance. By replacing negative mental images and beliefs with positive ones, the Swish technique can help sports performers build greater confidence, focus, and resilience, leading to improved performance and greater success in their sport.

Here are some specific benefits that the Swish method can offer for sports performers:

  1. Overcoming fear and anxiety: Many sports performers struggle with fear and anxiety, which can lead to performance anxiety and a lack of confidence. The Swish method can help sports performers replace these negative emotions with positive ones, allowing them to approach their sport with greater calm and confidence.
  2. Improving focus and concentration: Distractions and negative self-talk can be major obstacles for sports performers. The Swish method can help sports performers quickly refocus on positive and empowering thoughts, allowing them to maintain their focus and concentration throughout their performance.
  3. Enhancing motivation and drive: The Swish method can help sports performers visualize and internalize positive outcomes and experiences, increasing their motivation and drive to succeed in their sport.
  4. Developing mental toughness: The Swish method can help sports performers build greater mental toughness, allowing them to stay focused and resilient even in the face of setbacks or challenges.

Overall, the Swish method can be a powerful tool for sports performers looking to improve their mental game and reach their full potential in their sport.




here's an example script for a sports person using the swish technique in NLP to improve focus:

  1. Identify the negative thought or distraction that you want to overcome. For example, let's say you often find yourself getting distracted by external noise or negative self-talk during competition.
  2. Identify a positive, empowering thought or emotion that you want to replace the negative one with. For example, you might want to feel focused, calm, and in control of your mental state during competition.
  3. Close your eyes and visualize the trigger that leads to the negative thought or distraction. For example, you might imagine yourself on the field, hearing the sound of the crowd or your inner voice criticizing your performance.
  4. In your mind's eye, create a small, dark image of the trigger in the bottom left corner of your visual field.
  5. In the top right corner of your visual field, create a large, bright image of the positive outcome you want to achieve. For example, you might imagine yourself fully focused on the task at hand, with a clear and calm mind.
  6. Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally "swish" the positive image down and to the left, replacing the negative image in the bottom left corner of your visual field.
  7. As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine the positive image growing larger and more vivid, while the negative image fades away.
  8. Repeat the swish technique several times, focusing on the positive image and feeling a sense of calm, control, and focus.

By using the swish technique in this way, you can train your mind to quickly refocus on positive and empowering thoughts, even in the face of distractions or negative self-talk. This can help you stay fully engaged and focused on your performance, improving your overall success in your sport.


I tend to “train” them in using The Focused Awareness Technique  and then give them a copy of the script, in case they forget any part of the exercise