Changing Behavioral Patterns & Habits

Note: This is great in as much as people stay in the present without having to refer to past events

In 1983, Benjamin Libet conducted experiments  that seemed to demonstrate a limited aspect of our free will, challenging conventional notions. He showed that we possess a form of "free won't," indicating that we can halt an action once it has commenced. However, we lack conscious control when it comes to the initial impulse behind the action.

In essence, by using simple pattern interrupts, we can alter our response before it progresses beyond the limbic region of our brain, preventing the formation of the action or emotion

Further research below:



Identify the issue: Start by identifying the specific issue that the client wants to work on. This could be anything from performance anxiety, to conditioned behavior/habits, and beliefs. The more specific the issue, the easier it will be to target during the session.

Establish the client's preferred outcome: Ask the client what they want to achieve from the session

ASK WHAT IT WOULD MEAN TO THEM EMOTIONALY, the greater the emotional benefit the better. It's important to clarify the client's preferred outcome and make sure it is realistic and achievable.

Explain the process to your client, and how it works. Emphasize that it's a safe and non-invasive process

Use The Focus Awareness Technique:

Identifying the Trigger: Encourage the client to pinpoint a specific trigger responsible for their issue. This trigger could manifest as a situation, object, thought, or feeling.

Next, have them rate their level of discomfort on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 indicating the highest degree of distress. It's important to note that if the issue is habitual, there may be little to no distress associated with it.

Guiding Clients into a Dissociative State: Lead clients into a state of dissociation where they mentally detach from the issue at hand. This process involves taking a step back and assuming the role of an observer rather than an active participant. During this phase, clients will be instructed to freeze a specific moment or situation that triggers their undesired response or behavior.

Freeze Frame Technique: The "freeze frame" technique entails mentally pausing the problematic situation, essentially creating a mental snapshot frozen in time. Encourage clients to provide detailed descriptions of this moment.

Associating with Positive Outcomes: After establishing the freeze frame, guide the client in associating it with new, more favorable responses and associations. This involves helping the client see things from their own perspective, and witnessing their positive behaviors aligning with their goals and desired outcomes. Essentially, the client reimagines the situation with a more constructive response.

Release and Progression: Once the client has successfully established positive associations within their mind, they can release the freeze frame. This allows the situation to naturally progress in their mental imagery. The client envisions themselves responding to the trigger or situation in a healthier and more adaptive manner, viewing the situation from their own perspective through their own eyes and making positive changes noticing colors textures smells sounds, and how it feels.

Testing and Noting Improvements: Ask the client to mentally run through the scenario again and observe any improvements in their reactions. Repeat the process if necessary to further solidify positive changes.

Additional Technique (if required): If needed, you can introduce an additional technique. Run the sequence again with your client seeing themselves in the picture. Have the client focus on the trigger, freeze the image, and then gradually "white out" the image, akin to increasing the brightness on a television until the picture fades to white. Repeat this process three times. Then, guide the client back to the initial scenario, helping them visualize themselves within the picture and at the trigger point. Then change to the associative state actively altering the outcome, viewing the situation from their own perspective through their own eyes and making positive changes noticing colors textures smells sounds, and how it feels.

Case Study


I had a client named Sophia who was struggling with anxiety and self-doubt during important matches. Sophia was a talented tennis player and had won several local tournaments, but when it came to national competitions, Sophia would always crumble under pressure.

During our initial consultation, I followed the steps outlined in my technique and identified Sophia's specific issue: performance anxiety during important tennis matches. I then asked Sophia what she wanted to achieve from our sessions, and Sophia replied that she wanted to feel more confident and focused during national competitions.

I explained the process to Sophia, emphasizing that it was safe and non-invasive. Then, I asked Sophia to focus on a specific trigger that caused her performance anxiety. Sophia chose the moment just before serving when she felt the pressure of the match.

I then asked Sophia to rate her level of discomfort on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the highest level of distress. Sophia rated her discomfort at an 8.

We then proceeded with the technique, and I guided Sophia through the steps. I  Used The Focus Awareness Technique: I got Sophia to see herself in a picture at the start of the scenario We then jumped to the moment at the very start of the trigger memory, and froze it.


Sophia now imagined herself carrying out the rest of the sequence as she desired seeing it from her eyes  (association see visualization). She noticed every detail with her senses noticing how she felt,


After we finished, I asked Sophia to see her trigger again and rate her level of discomfort on a scale of 0 to 10. Sophia rated her discomfort at 0, and she felt more in control and confident.

Over the course of our sessions, we repeated this process several times, each time using a different trigger or situation that caused Sophia's performance anxiety. With each session, Sophia felt more in control and confident during tennis competitions,



Case Study 2

Case Study: Mark's Weight Loss Journey


Background Information:

Mark is a 35-year-old professional who has been struggling with weight issues for years. He has tried various diets and exercise routines but has never been able to maintain a healthy weight. Mark often finds himself overeating when stressed or bored and has developed negative self-image issues as a result.


Initial Consultation:

During the initial consultation, Mark and I discussed his weight loss goals and the challenges he faces. He expressed a desire to lose 40 pounds and establish a healthier relationship with food and his body.


Step 1: Setting the Goal:

Together with my client Mark, we defined his goal: "Mark aims to lose 40 pounds over the next year while developing a positive and sustainable approach to food and body image."


Step 2: Identifying Negative Associations:

In our session, Mark recognized several negative associations:


Emotional Eating: Mark had developed a strong negative association between stress and overeating. He turned to food for comfort during difficult times, leading to weight gain and guilt.


I used The Focus Awareness Technique:  To focus and Relax Marks' mind


The Freeze Frame Technique:

In our session, Mark and I utilized the "freeze frame" technique to address his negative associations. We focused on a specific trigger scenario: the moment he felt the urge to overeat due to stress.


Identify the Trigger: Mark vividly described the trigger moment when he felt stressed and reached for unhealthy snacks.


Freeze Frame: Following my instructions, Mark saw himself in the picture and therefore disassociated from it, observing it as an outsider rather than experiencing it personally. Then he froze the trigger moment


Reframe the Situation: In this frozen state, Mark and I worked together to replace the negative associations with the positive ones he had envisioned. He imagined himself choosing a healthier response to stress and experiencing self-compassion.


Release and Progression: I assisted Mark in releasing the freeze frame, allowing the scenario to advance with the new positive associations integrated by looking out through his eyes noticing colors textures sounds, thoughts, and feelings.


Metaphor: I finished the session using the metaphor - A Metaphor For Losing Weight (Below)


Results: Mark went on to lose weight and reach his target weight


Follow-Up Sessions:

We also explored strategies for maintaining his weight loss progress, including training and building a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.


Other Techniques

The above technique is great if people don't want to talk about their problem other techniques included for weight loss include Timelining to identify and remove emotional triggers  or The Emotional Freedom Technique

Another powerful aid to changing behaviors that includes our reaction to individual foods can be found here

A Metaphor For Losing Weight

Once upon a time in a bustling city, there lived a young woman named Lily. She often compared her weight to carrying a heavy backpack full of worries, self-doubt, and unhealthy habits. Each day, she lugged this backpack around, feeling burdened and exhausted.


One sunny morning, as Lily strolled through a vibrant park, she noticed a peculiar onion stand at a local market. The vendor, a wise old woman, had a sign that read, "Weight Loss Onions: Uncover Your Inner Light."


Intrigued, Lily approached the stand and inquired about these unique onions. The vendor smiled kindly and said, "My dear, each layer of these onions represents the layers of your journey to a healthier, happier you. When you peel away one layer, you shed a little weight, and with each layer you shed, you grow lighter and closer to your true self."


Lily decided to purchase one of these special onions and began her weight loss journey. With each layer she peeled away, she discovered healthier eating habits, increased self-love, and newfound strength. As the layers of her onion peeled away, so did the weight she had carried for so long.


Over time, Lily noticed that her backpack of worries had become lighter, her self-doubt had diminished, and her unhealthy habits had transformed into nourishing ones. She felt as if a radiant light shone from within her.


Through patience, determination, and the magic of her "weight loss onion," Lily unveiled her inner beauty, one layer at a time. In the end, she realized that the real treasure was not just in losing weight but in discovering her authentic self, a confident and radiant woman who had shed the burdens of the past.


A Metaphor For Not Feeling Enough

Many people think they are not enough and feel alone, which can lead to depression overeating, etc,  this metaphor addresses this concern


Once upon a time, in a vibrant forest nestled between the mountains, there lived a solitary tree named Elara. She stood tall and proud, her emerald leaves shimmering in the gentle breeze, and her branches reached out like welcoming arms to the creatures of the forest. Elara was known far and wide for her wisdom and kindness.

One sunny morning, a fragile, despondent butterfly named Luna fluttered to Elara's side. Luna's wings were delicate and translucent, but they bore scars and tattered edges. She perched on one of Elara's branches, her eyes filled with sadness.

"Why do you look so troubled, dear Luna?" Elara asked, her voice a soothing melody.

Luna sighed, her wings drooping. "I've always felt like I'm not enough. My wings are not as colorful as the others, and I can't fly as high or as gracefully. I often feel empty and alone."

Elara smiled gently and replied, "Luna, let me tell you a secret. Each of us in this forest is unique, just like the leaves on my branches. You see, I may not have the vibrant blossoms of the flowers, nor can I sing like the birds, but I have my own beauty and purpose."

Luna tilted her head inquisitively, listening intently.

Elara continued, "I provide shelter to the creatures of the forest, a safe haven during storms, and a place to rest for those in need. You, Luna, may not have the same wings as others, but you have a gift all your own. Your wings may be delicate, but they carry the stories of your journey. You can flutter close to the ground, where others cannot, and bring joy to those who need it most."

Luna's eyes brightened as she considered Elara's words. "So, I don't have to be like everyone else to be enough?"

Elara nodded, her leaves rustling in agreement. "Exactly, Luna. You are enough just the way you are, and your uniqueness is what makes you special. Embrace your journey, and you will never feel empty or alone again. Remember, in this forest, we all have our role to play, and together, we create something truly beautiful."

Luna smiled, and for the first time in a long while, her wings felt lighter. She realized that being enough didn't mean being like everyone else; it meant embracing her own strengths and bringing her own unique beauty to the world.

And so, in that enchanting forest, Elara the tree and Luna the butterfly became the best of friends, reminding one another and all who passed by that they were indeed enough, just as they were.