Timelines are a method that involves the Rapid Results Trainer utilizing the client's metaphors of time to access their unconscious mind and explore past experiences. This technique aims to help the client move beyond any persistent negative patterns that have been holding them back, allowing them to develop a more positive and empowering perspective on their history.




Establish Rapport: The first step in using the timelining technique for sports performers is to establish a connection with them. One effective way to do this is through the use of the Brain Gym PACE method, which involves setting a goal and doing exercises that promote physical and mental coordination.


As you do the PACE exercises with the performer, you are mirroring their body language this helps create a sense of rapport and connection and helps to establish trust and open lines of communication, which are essential for the success of the time lining technique.


Explain the Technique: Once you have established a connection, explain the time-lining technique to the performer. Time lining involves creating a mental timeline of past, present, and future events. This timeline can help identify patterns, beliefs, and values that may be affecting the performer's current situation and performance. The sports performer can also use the timeline to look back at how they got to their current position and look to the future to see where they want to be.


Next: Use The Focused Awareness Technique:


Instructions for the Visualization and Release Process:

Create the Timeline: Guide the performer in creating their timeline and float above it  Ask the client to close their eyes and imagine themselves floating well above their timeline, looking down at it, seeing themselves in the picture. (dissociation) Emphasize the importance of not diving directly into the memories to avoid reactivating negative emotions.

You can do this by asking them to visualize a line extending from their past to their future. Ask them to identify key events and milestones, and to place them in chronological order on the timeline. You can use questioning techniques to explore the performer's emotions and beliefs associated with each event.

Emotion Examination: If the client identifies a negative emotion (e.g., fear) associated with the memory, guide them to examine the memory from a detached perspective. Encourage them to observe the events as if watching a movie.


Identify Patterns: Once the timeline is complete, help the performer identify patterns and themes that emerge. Ask questions such as: "What do you notice about the events on your timeline?" "Are there any recurring themes or patterns?" "Are there any events that seem to have a particularly strong emotional impact on your performance?"


Reframe Negative Patterns: If negative patterns emerge, help the performer reframe them in a more positive light. For example, if the performer has a pattern of underperforming in high-pressure situations, you could reframe this as a pattern of learning and growth. Encourage the performer to see past events as opportunities for learning and growth, rather than as failures or setbacks.


Future Pace: Finally, help the performer future pace their timeline by visualizing future events and goals. Encourage the performer to use their timeline as a tool for planning and goal setting. Ask questions such as: "What would your timeline look like if you achieved your goals?" "How can you use your past experiences to help you achieve your future goals?" Also, encourage the performer to look back at their timeline and see how they got to their current position.


Closure: Gradually guide the client back to the present moment and ask them to open their eyes.


By using the time-lining technique, you can help sports performers gain a deeper understanding of their past experiences and how they relate to their current performance. This can help them identify patterns, beliefs, and values that may be limiting their success, and empower them to create a more positive and fulfilling future in their sport.


Case Study

Name: Julie Age: 28 Occupation: Tennis Player Goal: Julie wanted to improve her performance on the tennis court and maintain a healthy weight to optimize her athletic abilities.

Step 1: Establish Rapport

I began with Julie by using the Brain Gym PACE method. Together, we set a clear goal: "To achieve peak performance in tennis and maintain a healthy weight." I guided her through physical and mental coordination exercises, such as cross-crawl movements and brain buttons, while mirroring her body language. This helped establish rapport and trust.

Step 2: Explained the Technique

With the rapport established, I introduced the timelining technique to Julie. I explained that timelining involved creating a mental timeline of past, present, and future events, which could reveal patterns and beliefs affecting her then-current performance. I emphasized the potential for personal growth and goal achievement through this process.

Step 2: The  Focused Awareness Technique. I used this to relax and focus her mind

Step 3: Create the Timeline

Julie was now prepared to create her timeline. She closed her eyes and visualized herself floating above her timeline, looking down at it. I guided her in placing key events on the timeline, including her early tennis experiences, significant matches, and moments related to her weight management journey. Throughout, I used open-ended questions to explore her emotions and beliefs tied to each event.

Step 4: Examined Emotions

When Julie identified negative emotions associated with certain memories, such as fear of disappointing her coach or guilt related to past dietary choices, I guided her to examine these memories from a detached perspective. She learned to observe these events as if watching a movie, removing the emotional charge.

Step 5: Identified Patterns

With the timeline now complete, I helped Julie identify patterns and recurring themes. She noticed a pattern of self-doubt before important matches and a tendency to turn to comfort eating during stressful times. Together, we explored how these patterns had affected her performance.

Step 6: Reframed Negative Patterns

To promote positive change, I assisted Julie in reframing these negative patterns. Instead of viewing self-doubt as a hindrance, she began to see it as an opportunity for personal growth and mental toughness development. The idea of emotional eating transformed into a chance to establish healthier coping mechanisms.

Step 7: Future Paced

I guided Julie to travel along her timeline to see herself successfully completing her goals. She visualized future tennis tournaments and previous eating problems where she confidently overcame her challenges and performed at her best.

Step 8: Closure

As the session concluded, I gradually guided Julie's focus back to the present moment. She opened her eyes with a newfound sense of empowerment and determination. We discussed her insights and I encouraged her to use her timelining technique regularly for ongoing self-improvement.

Julie gained a deeper understanding of the emotional factors influencing her performance and weight management. By exploring her timeline and reframing negative patterns, she became better equipped to achieve her goals as a tennis player while maintaining a healthy lifestyle that  included eating correctly. The timelining technique has proven to be a valuable tool in her journey toward success.