I have seen that self-talk can be a major area of investigation, especially for athletes. The statements made by athletes out loud to others are very effective forms of auto-suggestion. In fact, the athlete who regularly tells friends, colleagues, and relatives what they cannot do, or achieve, is actually speaking more effectively to themselves than anyone else. They hear it each and every time, while the external listener hears it only once or twice. This can become a self-limiting belief.


Even more effective in limiting the athlete's chances of success in sports are the statements they make to themselves, often without even realizing it.


The Slow Motion Technique

This exercise entails using The Focus Awareness Technique and then  getting your client to visualize the point of the problem going through it frame by frame asking what they imagine they are saying to themselves



The Best Freind Technique

Suggest the following to your client after The Focus Awareness Technique

"Whenever you catch yourself engaging in negative self-talk, (eg. maybe after missing a shot) take a moment to pause and visualize the situation as if it were your close friend, John Smith, experiencing it instead. Rather than berating yourself (for missing the shot), imagine what kind and supportive words you would offer to John in that moment. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding you would extend to a dear friend."


The Empowering Voice Transformation Technique

To unlock the power of this technique, guide your client to become aware of any negative self-talk they may be experiencing. Encourage them to explore whose voice they hear when these negative thoughts arise, noticing its tone and volume within their personal space.

Next, envision a fascinating shift as you instruct your client to imagine that same critical voice transforming into a ridiculously high-pitched and comically funny tone. As this funny voice resonates, encourage them to send it off into the distance, fading away until it becomes inaudible.

Now, in the space once occupied by the negative voice, guide your client to replace it with a powerful and positive message, spoken in that same humorous tone. Witness the transformation as the empowering message takes root in their mind, fueling their inner dialogue with optimism and self-belief.

With the Funny Voice Technique, your clients can unleash their potential by silencing self-doubt and embracing a lighthearted yet empowering approach to their inner thoughts. Encourage them to practice this technique regularly, and watch as they conquer obstacles and achieve greatness with newfound confidence.

Overcoming the voice of self-doubt and limitations-The mechanics

Tell your client-

People often have an inner intuition telling them that there is more to give and achieve in life, that their not fully realizing their potential and working at their utmost capacity . This feeling is entirely valid, and it stems from a part of you that desires growth and expansion beyond your current circumstances. However, this self-doubt and limiting voice that you hear comes from what we call the ego, also known as the separate self.


The ego's primary function is to maintain a sense of identity and safety within familiar boundaries. It strives to keep you contained within what it knows, fearing any change that might challenge its existence. Whenever we attempt to surpass our perceived limits, the ego perceives it as a threat, and it experiences a sort of psychological death because its identity is defined by these apparent limitations on our true nature.


Your comfort zone lies within the confines of these limitations, but your intuition, which knows no bounds, yearns to venture further and explore the depths of your true potential. When you attempt to push beyond your comfort zone, the ego's voice of doubt emerges, trying to rationalize why you should stay where you are.


But, beyond this self-doubting voice lies a deeper, truer impulse that longs to expand and realize your full potential. Now that you understand the mechanism behind these doubts, you have the power to resist their influence. While the doubting voice might persist for a while, I encourage you to listen to your intuition, your heart, and allow the old habit of self-doubt to gradually fade away.


As you gain more confidence in your intuition and align with your true nature, you will notice a profound shift in your outlook. Your inner life will resonate more harmoniously with the outer world, leading to a reconfiguration of your perspective. You'll discover newfound strength within yourself, and as a result, the world is likely to respond in kind.


Embrace the process of overcoming self-doubt and limitations, and you will find yourself on a transformative journey towards self-realization and a life lived to its fullest potential



The metaphor overcoming the voice of self-doubt and limitations-The mechanics

In the vast landscape of life, you are a soaring eagle, meant to glide freely across the endless skies. Yet, within you resides a cautious dove, your ego, perched safely on the branch of familiarity. This dove fears the boundless heights and wishes to keep you nestled within the comforts of its known territory.

As you muster the courage to explore beyond the familiar horizons, the dove trembles, for it senses its own vulnerability in the face of the unknown. Like a cocoon seeking to preserve its shape, your ego clings to the limitations that define its existence, fearing the transformative process that lies ahead.

However, deep within your heart beats the spirit of an adventurer, an instinctive force that whispers of uncharted territories and untapped potential. It urges you to spread your wings wider, to embrace the winds of change, and to soar to new heights where your true nature thrives.

Though the dove's voice of doubt may echo persistently, remember the wisdom of your inner eagle, your intuition. Listen to its ancient call, and with each courageous flap of your wings, the dove's grip loosens, gradually relinquishing its hold on your flight.

As you liberate yourself from the shackles of self-doubt, you emerge, reborn and resplendent, no longer limited by the cage of fear. The boundless expanse of the skies becomes your canvas, and with each stretch of your wings, you paint the world with the vibrant hues of your potential.

Embrace this metamorphosis, and as the eagle within you soars high, the world below looks up in awe, inspired by the radiance of your true self.


A Metaphor For Not Feeling Enough

Many people think they are not enough and feel alone, which can lead to depression overeating, etc,  this metaphor addresses this concern


Once upon a time, in a vibrant forest nestled between the mountains, there lived a solitary tree named Elara. She stood tall and proud, her emerald leaves shimmering in the gentle breeze, and her branches reached out like welcoming arms to the creatures of the forest. Elara was known far and wide for her wisdom and kindness.

One sunny morning, a fragile, despondent butterfly named Luna fluttered to Elara's side. Luna's wings were delicate and translucent, but they bore scars and tattered edges. She perched on one of Elara's branches, her eyes filled with sadness.

"Why do you look so troubled, dear Luna?" Elara asked, her voice a soothing melody.

Luna sighed, her wings drooping. "I've always felt like I'm not enough. My wings are not as colorful as the others, and I can't fly as high or as gracefully. I often feel empty and alone."

Elara smiled gently and replied, "Luna, let me tell you a secret. Each of us in this forest is unique, just like the leaves on my branches. You see, I may not have the vibrant blossoms of the flowers, nor can I sing like the birds, but I have my own beauty and purpose."

Luna tilted her head inquisitively, listening intently.

Elara continued, "I provide shelter to the creatures of the forest, a safe haven during storms, and a place to rest for those in need. You, Luna, may not have the same wings as others, but you have a gift all your own. Your wings may be delicate, but they carry the stories of your journey. You can flutter close to the ground, where others cannot, and bring joy to those who need it most."

Luna's eyes brightened as she considered Elara's words. "So, I don't have to be like everyone else to be enough?"

Elara nodded, her leaves rustling in agreement. "Exactly, Luna. You are enough just the way you are, and your uniqueness is what makes you special. Embrace your journey, and you will never feel empty or alone again. Remember, in this forest, we all have our role to play, and together, we create something truly beautiful."

Luna smiled, and for the first time in a long while, her wings felt lighter. She realized that being enough didn't mean being like everyone else; it meant embracing her own strengths and bringing her own unique beauty to the world.

And so, in that enchanting forest, Elara the tree and Luna the butterfly became the best of friends, reminding one another and all who passed by that they were indeed enough, just as they were.


Case Study

One of my clients was a golfer who had a tendency to miss easy putts. To help him overcome this, I used The Focused Awareness Technique

I then got him to relive the situation in his imagination and really slow down the moment of decision that caused the problem. As he did so, we were able to identify the specific negative self-talk that was holding him back


I learned that he was telling himself that he was a terrible putter and that he would inevitably miss easy shots. This negative self-talk was holding him back.


To help him overcome this, I asked him to visualize himself making the putts he had been missing. We also worked on reframing his negative self-talk into more positive, empowering statements. With the use of The Empowering Voice Transformation Technique, we reframed his negative self-talk into positive self-talk, using phrases like "I am a great putter" and "I make putts with ease".


I also explained the technique - Overcoming the voice of self-doubt and limitations-The mechanics, and then recited its metaphor


Additionally, we worked on creating a pre-game routine that helped him get into the right mindset before a round of golf. By focusing on his breathing and repeating positive affirmations, he was able to shift his mindset from one of self-doubt to one of confidence and self-belief.


Through our work together, the golfer was able to reprogram his mind and improve his performance on the golf course. He went on to set a personal best score. It was a great reminder of the power of positive self-talk and the impact it can have on an athlete's performance.